Thursday, December 10, 2015

Resources - Books

I thought, since I don't have any more meetings until January to talk about, to share with you some of the books that sit snugly next to my Brownie and Sparks leader books.  It's important to look for resources and people to help where you can - you can't Guide as a Guider if you're totally burnt out!

Another good idea is to check out your local library non-fiction section.  Try under 306 (world cultures), or between 700 and 709 (arts and crafting, knitting, crochet etc).  It's amazing the resources you can find just by browsing around the shelves!

This book isn't arranged like many others - but it comes up with several different cultural ideas based around a theme.  For example it'll talk about farming in England, then suggest you take a trip to a cheese shop and try a variety of different cheeses from around the world.  Or you'll learn about New Years' day customs from five different countries.

This one divides the world into regions, then suggests 2-5 dishes from that region, along with a little bit of history of that particular foodstuff.  The instructions are simple enough for Sparks too!

I love this book - it divides the games into icebreakers, water games, running games, etc.  There are also tons of suggested variations for small and large groups, as well as variations for various ability levels.

This really isn't a great field manual, but it's wonderful for brushing up on your own outdoor skills, as well as giving some great ideas for camping with Brownies and getting out there!

This book is fabulous because it not only gives great songs from around the world, BUT it also comes with a CD, so that you and the girls can hear the proper accent/tune for the songs as well.

If you're doing Guides, and not Brownies or Sparks, this also comes in a Grade 4-6 book as well.  I like these because they're a bit more involved than regular crafts, but would be great for a sleepover or longer event.

This divides into countries, then by project.  Some of the ideas are a little simple - but  are sometimes just what you need for Sparks.  You could even have the girls choose something for a Bridging meeting with Sparks.

All of these books are available on Amazon - or check out your local library!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Giving Tuesday

There's American Thanksgiving, then Black Friday (which lasts through the Saturday and Sunday), then Cyber Monday - but there's the wonderful new tradition of Giving Tuesday.  The idea being that the Tuesday after the American Thanksgiving you do something giving.

For our Giving Tuesday the girls went to our local senior's centre and spent some time with the seniors there.  They sang, listened to them, and played simple board games and card games.  It's always nice to see what a lift they bring to the residents.

If you're looking for other ways to incorporate giving into the season, you could always have your unit buy some gifts for their local angel tree, have them bring in supplies for Operation Christmas Child in November, or try their hand at going door to door for food bank donations (both actual food and financial donations).