Wednesday, November 13, 2013


In Sparks, as with in all levels of Guides, the enrollment ceremony is a big deal to the girls.

For our enrollment ceremony, we built a long rainbow out of Bristol board, and taped it together.  We trimmed the sides with hot pink, and built clouds to go on either end.

We made cute clouds with blue paint, sparkles, and each girl's name on our side of the rainbow.  New Sparks sat at the other end.  We called them over the rainbow to play with the Sparks one by one, and recited a little poem as they walked along the rainbow.

As she walks to Rainbow's end
We hope that she will find a friend
Promise to share with all her heart
She is ready to be a Spark.

The girls then recited their promise, got pinned with their 1-year pin and Sparks enrollment pin, got handed an enrollment certificate as well as a small piece of paper with their earned badges on it, got a photo taken, then sat down on their cloud in Rainbow's End with the other Sparks.

It took a bit of time, but the kids were impressed with themselves, and the parents really liked it.

The badges they got were the "Being a Spark" Keeper, the "Cookie Raising" 1 (or 2) keeper, and, if they attended the District Camp,  the Alberta Camp Challenge with Summer and Fall as well as three of the five WAGGGS Regions Challenge Badges and the Send them to Sangam Challenge Crest.

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