Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lady Baden Powell

So this week we went for doing part of our Mouse Around the House Challenge, as well as part of the Brownies and Beyond Keeper and the Going Outside Keeper.  My coleader and I have promised ourselves to sort out which days get which keepers next year, but I've got to tell you, the hodge-podge is pretty darn fun!

We started off by having a kangaroo relay.  You make up some beanbags (I bought scrap fabric from my local shop - about a dollar, and the cheapest beans in the bulk section for the insides) and then separate teh girls into two groups.  They have to balance or clench the beanbag on themselves (between knees, on head) while they hop around obstacles and go back for the next girl to get a chance.  Since we have two Spark groups, the Glitterbugs raced on one side and the Sprinkles raced up the other.

I think we'll play some music for it next time, though.

Then we split off into two groups.

Sapphire took one group and started to make cute little rice hand warmers.  She made them up on her sewing machine and left one side open to add rice and for the girls to sew up.  She made sure that we pre-set the needles, with a knot in the bottom, so that they could start sewing after they got their rice in.

I took the other group and we made up a gluing project, with some of our Spark adventures.  We learned a little more about Lady Baden Powell as well.  Sapphire found a rhyme and had it printed out

Lady Baden Powell lived a long time ago
She was involved in Guiding as we all know.
She liked to help others, sing and play
Just as Sparks do today!

She also printed off a bunch of clipart Sparks (for those out-of-countryers, GGoC has clip art on our website that leaders can access) showing some of the awesome things we've done so far in Sparks.

Then we switched.

If girls had a little extra time we had them make some Valentines for Canadian troops abroad.

Here's the awesome LBP crest we gave the girls!

Here's the awesome project my coleader came up with:

We don't have Sparks next week because of Family Day (Alberta) - my next post should be just after Thinking Day - I'm planning a whole DAY of fun!

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